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Leveraging Your Intuition as an Entrepreneur
How to tap into the power of your intuition even when you're struggling to find clarity and logic.
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Always growing


This image is a graphic featuring the word ‘CLAIR-’ in bold green lettering. Growing from the top of the ‘L’ in the word is a tree, also in green, which is set against a white background. At the bottom of the right arch of the letter ‘A’, a root emerges, which is white against the green background.

We delve deeper into the concept of business intuition, revealing its hidden layers and introducing you to three intriguing facets. While these may sound mystical, they hold the key to enhancing your decision-making and strategic planning skills as an entrepreneur.

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I'm Lisa!

As a certified business strategist for entrepreneurs, I bring a unique perspective to the table, helping my clients tap into their inner wisdom to make
powerful decisions
& take bold action. 

A more soulful lifestyle IS possible through mindset shifts, support, & accountability. I'm here to help you navigate down the entrepreneurial path.

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