If you asked those who know me to describe me in one statement... Some people would likely say I’m an engaged mom. Others would say I’m a savvy businesswoman. Some would say I’m loyal to a fault. Others would say I’m intelligent and understanding.

But everyone who knows me will tell you that I am a fierce advocate.

I’m Lisa, a Certified Business Strategist & Coach who is passionate about helping  mompreneurs start & grow their businesses.

If you ever felt stuck in your business,
tired of shouldering too many responsibilities & unrealistic expectations.

You want to make a difference but aren't sure which direction to head next in your business.

I'm here to help you find clarity & take bold action.

 If you're ready to disrupt the things
that aren't working
in your business &
rock the things
that matter most,
I'm here to guide you every step
of the way.

i'm Ready!


Pause. Breathe. Listen. The truth always makes itself known.


A place for your uniqueness to just be.


We should always go above and beyond to help others.


Take that step. Do things scared. You likely won't regret it.


we are most alive when we are truly following our soul's calling.


New ideas and approaches yield creative solutions.

things you'll find here

What is your favorite way to start the day?

a. A cup of coffee and meditation
b. A morning workout
c. Reading a good book

Café Au Lait (with almond milk) & Insight timer app 

The laundry is caught up, the kids are out of the house... it's just you. How will you spend your time?

Music up, Dancing in the kitchen while throwing together a Triscuit nacho creation 

I feel most empowered when I'm wearing:

a. My favorite red lipstick, a power suit, a pair of heels that make me feel unstoppable
b. Dressed up for cocktail hour with my favorite gals
c. My coziest set of loungewear, a glass of wine in one hand, and my laptop in the other

If I could trade lives with another woman for a day, it would be:

My golden lab Suri - walk, nap, drink water, nap, eat, cuddle - she's living her best life everyday

Someday I want to:

a. write a book
b. travel the world
c. start a chicken farm

to see where my great-grandparents lived in Spain & Portugal

You're on a deserted island and you're allowed to bring ONE book. What would it be and why?

The Alchemist … I never tire of the story & a book on identifying native trees & plants because I love to geek out on scientific names (forestry major)

What Would Lisa Say?

As a former forestry major, I've always had a love for nature and the outdoors.

My best college memories were formed while hiking through the redwood groves on the coast of Santa Cruz County.

Those experiences instilled a sense of inner peace and joy that I want to share with the women I work with.

But where does the name Poppy Grove come from, you may ask?

My 'bonus dad' Poppy came into my life when I was just four years old, and he was a constant source of support and guidance throughout my childhood, adolescence, and adulthood.

Poppy taught me the importance of tough love and accountability, lessons that I now pass on to my clients.

As I raise my three amazing boys and work with entrepreneurs, I'm reminded of the lessons I learned from Poppy and the importance of community.

Poppy Grove is a place where entrepreneurs can come together to find the same sense of love and support that I received from my Poppy.

When you work with me, be ready to work honestly, relentlessly, and wholeheartedly. But know that I'll be with you every step of the way, as the best strategist, coach, advocate, and biggest cheerleader.

Thank you for joining me on this journey. I can't wait to see all the amazing things you'll discover at Poppy Grove.

The Poppy Grove Story

As a business strategist,
I specialize in helping entrepreneurs get organized and amplify their marketing strategies for more impact & income. 




Whether you’re feeling stuck in your business, struggling with your mindset, or just feeling lost and unsure of your next steps,
I’m here to help.

The Guide to a Year Full of Self-Care

You have permission to give yourself the same level of attention and compassion that you give
to your biz and others.
Download my guide below!

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