My ‘Always Growing’ feature is back & I’m excited to share Robyn, a local Central Coast photographer with true talent!
As the owner of Sweet Whimsy Photography, her fun & kind spirit makes every session, from senior portraits to family albums, a blast.
What is your intention for 2023?
Why did you start your business?
I love people and their stories. Stories of family, love, home, and belonging.
I truly believe that everyone is beautiful, and I love being able to capture that and share with them what I see!
What makes you push through in your business when you feel overwhelmed?
Remembering that I LOVE this!
It’s my passion and creative outlet. Even when I am tired and stressed and feel like giving up, it’s just not an option because I will never not have a camera in my hands.
My camera helps me see things with a new perspective and renewed energy.
It helps me savor the beautiful, messy, fleeting, real parts of life.
You have an entire day to yourself! What does that look like?
As a busy full-time working mom, I would have a laundry list of things I “should” be catching up on.
But…if I could choose my perfect day, it would include comfy clothes, candles, a “can’t-put-down” book, a movie with my family, and a fun dinner/drinks out with friends.
If I could throw in a massage… and a coffee date with one of my best girlfriends…even better!
What is the last thing you did for the first time?
This is a suuuper hard question for me! I am a comfy, cozy creature of habit.
I’m going to have to think on that one–or better yet–make a point to try something new!!!
Yep, Robyn is the real deal ☀️
Go to her IG page @sweetwhimsyphotography to book your session (she’s already filling up for 2024 senior portraits!)
Ready to scale your business intuitively & efficiently? Connect with me on Instagram
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