Always Growing: Stephanie of Conscious & Confident Motherhood

the Blog

September 7, 2022

Hey, all you moms out there!

Imagine a calm and present pregnancy & birthing experience where you have confidently advocated for your care.

My three pregnancies (I worked WAY too much) & births (I pushed for HOURS) were less than stellar, so this sounds marvelous!

Meet Stephanie, an Empowered Pregnancy Expert & Intuitive Alignment Coach.

Stephanie & I got to know each other during our Atmana Intuitive Coaching Certification.

I was drawn to her gentle manner, paradigm-shifting ideas about pregnancy, & how confidently she rocks red lipstick on our zooms.

She’s a beautiful soul & I’m thrilled to feature her in this Always Growing profile.

When asked about her word for 2022, she told me, “words I keep in my consciousness are love, growth, appreciation, vision, and patience.”

And what makes her smile? “Babies and my grown babies. Achieving a goal. Laughing with family and friends.”

See why I dig her?

You can find Stephanie on Instagram @stephanieradler_

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