Embrace Organization, Clarity, & Confidence Entrepreneur


Flourishing 1:1 Coaching will get you organized in your business, clear on your offer, and confident in your entrepreneurial journey.
Are You Ready for a Breakthrough?

Yes, I’m Ready!

Embrace Organization, Clarity, & Confidence Entrepreneur


Flourishing 1:1 Coaching will get you organized, clear on your next steps, and confident about marketing yourself and your offer.

Yes, I'm Ready!

You’re passionate about what you do, care about your clients, and you’re all about going that extra mile.

And yet, you’re still experiencing the following:


Struggling to stay organized in your business


Lacking the courage and confidence you had when you started your business


Uncertain about your digital marketing strategy


Overwhelmed with ideas and don’t know which to pursue


Finding it hard to stay accountable to yourself and your goals

You are not alone in feeling this way. Most successful entrepreneurs have been there at some point, including me.

Here's the truth of the matter:

The answer? One-on-one coaching tailored to YOU – your unique essence, business goals, and who you want to serve.

Strategy & coaching that helps you break through obstacles and declutter your mindset with the tools, systems, and techniques you need for visibility, impact, & profit.

Above all, you need coaching that keeps you accountable to yourself, your goals, and your vision.

Cookie-cutter strategies won’t work. You are unique, and you deserve a unique solution.

the poppy grove 

1:1 Flourishing Coaching 

This six-month program is your pathway to complete organization, clarity, & confidence in your business.

Here’s what you can expect during our time together:

Control of Your Goals – Establish your priorities and create a 90-day business roadmap

Clarity of Purpose – Recommit to your vision, unlock your intuition, and discover your entrepreneurial ‘why’

Time Management – Embrace a productive work-life routine that eliminates time and energy leaks

Niche Definition – Know who you serve and feel confident about how you communicate your brand

Marketing Strategy – Craft a marketing and social media plan guaranteed to deliver results

Complete Self-Confidence – Overcome self-doubt, imposter syndrome and once again believe you were meant to do this

Total Accountability – Supportive guidance from start to finish. Remember, we’re in this together!

Business Organization – Take control of your business with the right tools, systems, and strategies

I'm Lisa!

My goal is to help you turn your
passion into profit!

I help entrepreneurs get visible & profitable by organizing their businesses, creating systems, & restoring their confidence.

With 25+ years of marketing and strategy experience in the food, wine, & outdoor industries, I’m here to bring my A game of support and wisdom.

But, like you, I’m more than just the sum of my work. I’m also a passionate educator, wine and book enthusiast, and the proud mom to three amazing boys!

What sets me apart as a coach & strategist? My desire to help entrepreneurs forge their own authentic path. If you’ve got a vision and a ‘can do’ attitude, I’ve got your back!

hey there,

Lisa helped me design a personal retreat that was a perfect balance of gentle and challenging, tactical and spiritual, and fun and serious, making me more intentional about my time away and more fulfilled when I return home.

Amy S.
Technical Writer

I've worked with Lisa in a small group program and on a non-profit grant application. Lisa is a savvy, strategic thinker, who listens carefully to others and provides compassionate, no-nonsense feedback that leaves them feeling encouraged and inspired. Her business acumen and wisdom are an asset to any organization or solo business owner looking for skilled support!

Teresa Huff
Mompreneur & Podcast Host

Lisa is an amazing thought partner who has helped my organization build a solid marketing and fundraising plan, and I couldn't imagine what I would do without her. You need her!

Ashley M.
Non-Proft CEO & Founder

Lisa helped me identify concrete truths and create tangible action items through guided conversations, empowering me to do the work needed.

Kyle F.
Event Planner

Three 60-minute Zoom calls/month to dive into business & marketing goals, sales strategy, & systems aligned with your tailored action plan

Voxer access in between sessions (M-F) to answer questions about your challenges & breakthroughs - I've got you!

A personalized action plan so you have a clear picture & road map for our six months together

 1:1 Coaching Program Details

Tailored resources, prompts, & meditations to help you along your biz & mindset journey 

i'm happy to answer any questions
you may have & see if we are a fit

Let's hop on a call!

Frequently Asked Questions

How much time will I need to dedicate to our one-on-one coaching calls?

I completely understand that your schedule is packed, and that's why I've structured our one-on-one coaching sessions to be efficient and impactful. Each session will last 60 minutes, providing us with focused and personalized time to dive deep into your goals and progress.

Are there any additional investments or costs beyond the coaching program fee?

Your investment in this coaching program covers everything you need for our transformative journey together. There won't be any unexpected or hidden costs along the way. My goal is to provide you with a comprehensive coaching experience without any financial surprises.

How soon can I expect to see tangible results from our one-on-one coaching sessions?

The speed at which you experience results can vary based on factors such as your dedication and implementation of strategies. While I can't provide an exact timeframe, I can assure you that by actively participating in our sessions and taking consistent action, you'll start noticing positive changes and progress towards your goals sooner than you might anticipate.

Will this program work for my unique situation and challenges?

Absolutely! The principles and strategies I'll be sharing during our one-on-one coaching sessions are designed to be adaptable and applicable to various life situations and challenges. Whether you're navigating career transitions, relationship issues, or any other specific scenario, my guidance and support are tailored to your individual needs.

What if I can't make it to our scheduled one-on-one calls? Can we reschedule?

Life can be unpredictable, and I understand that circumstances might arise that prevent you from attending our scheduled one-on-one calls. If that happens, kindly let me know 48 hours in advance, and we'll work together to find a suitable alternative time that fits both of our schedules. Your progress and growth remain my top priority.

Let’s clarify your vision, organize your business, and reignite your confidence – so you can return to being the passionate, enthusiastic entrepreneur you truly are.

I’ll show you that with the right tools, systems, and strategies, your unique essence – the spark that drove you to start your business in the first place – can shine brightly again.

Ready to get organized, clear, & confident – in your business AND mindset?

Are you ready to break through your business obstacles and declutter your mind (& your desk)?

Let's do this!